Innovative Business and Technology Strategies

MVD Partners applies industry leading thought and best practices on all of our projects. Working with clients, partners, and through our independent research, we have developed innovative concepts in strategy, performance improvement, organizational change, and enabling information technology. 

Our work has led to the development of innovative business strategies, models, and frameworks, including the E-Business Maturity Model, Extraprise Value Network, Knowco and Physco Business Models, Value Network Management, and Industry Transformation.
These creative approaches, transforming concepts, and paradigm-shifting frameworks have been published and referenced in several business and technology books, periodicals, and white papers.  Our thought leadership has been translated into several languages and used as reference text for business and technology programs in universities throughout the world.




          "Beyond the Basics of Reengineering" (Quality Resources Press) not pictured

Meansbusiness, the worlds leading repository for innovative business thought, has identified many of our concepts,  approaches, and business models as leading-edge thought in the areas of strategy and competition, products and services, digital enterprise, sales and marketing, and finance and profitability.

Strategy and Competition,

Manufacturing, Distribution and Services,

Digital Enterprise,

Sales and Marketing,

Finance and Profitability,

Working with our clients, as well as through our own independent research, we have authored or contributed to industry white papers on leading business and technology topics, including:
Strategy and Operations Planning

Sustaining Competitive Environment
Defining the Value Proposition
Business Performance Management
                    Value Chain Integration
                    Industry Transformation

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management Strategies
Enhancing the Sell Channel
Channel Management
Channel Conflicts in the New Economy

Enterprise Systems and Supply Chain

Supply Chain Integration

Internet and E-Business

Developing an E-Business Strategy
E-Business and ERP
Realizing Value from E-Business Investment
E-Business and Change Management
Change Management
Effective Organizational Change Management
Navigating Technology Change

Partnerships and Alliances
Partnership Relationship Management
Effective Partner Communications                                                                                                                  

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